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Axiom Castleford gets the green light

Axiom Castleford gets the green light

Projects SMR News

Recently approved, SMR are working on a large I+L scheme at Junction 32, M62 in Castleford. With an outline consent, it will provide 1.5 million sqft of logistics space across 13 units, ranging in size from 20,000 sqft to 400,000 sqft.

As part of a VSC application, the previously consented retail park site, has successfully cleared the bar of demonstrating significant opportunities and provides valuable employment land within the Castleford region. Alongside the built form, with elevation treatments carefully considered and a material palette including timber, the scheme will also provide 40,000 new trees, 22 acres of enhanced soft landscaping and the overall development will achieve a BREEAM Excellent rating.

We look forward to progressing the next stage of development in due course.

Thanks to Imagereel – 3D Visualisation Studio for the image above

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